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April 26, 2013 12:12 am cst

Wow a lot has been left unsaid and times have been crazy with my senior year at college!! Yes I graduate this year and I'm really excited because that means I can update this like it should be updated. However without further adeiu here is TEARS ON TAPE!!

in HIM,

September 17, 2012 2:30 pm cst

So with that being stated below, I am currently working on getting some flash done so that there will be music back on the site. Hard to promote a bands music if there's no music to be heard so with the Flash, I'll get everything up and going and hopefully get some videos up too!! I figured there's enough Ville Pictures, whoa, there's never enough but, I can get back to them, there's just so many. :P Keep watch!

in HIM,


September 17, 2012 2:25 pm cst

WHOOOOOOOO! I'm so excited. HIM's newest single is out and ready to be purchased on Amazon.com. The name of it is called Strange World and I have to say it's a HIM song all the way. I'm so glad that Gas is doing so much better and that the band is still going strong. I can't wait for more of heartagram.com to get the site up and going. Patience is a virtue. I'm sorry that I haven't done what I should have in the last 2 years. It's crazy and I know that the site isn't getting much hype because of it. I'm graduating next year and with everything going on it's so hard to sit down and function, however, no excuses, the site will be updated.

in HIM,


January 09, 2011

Hello again fellow himsters and himstress',
The work on Ville's thumbnails is still underway, however, I was thinking of taking a slight pause on that and jumping to other pics. There are tons, and I mean lots of Ville pics and some days I feel I'm not making a dent. *L* They will come up and I'm still working on them, and I appreciate the paitence to the ones that still view the site. :) Videos will be up too and hopefully more of everything in interest. Check out the new CD that they have out for HIM. :)

in Him, Sha


April 13, 2011

Hello fellow HIMSTERS!!
I'm pretty sure you guys are saying this suckages and I'm so sorry. I've been swamped with school, got a slight promotion at work, and I've just been busting my ass on this. I'm getting it, and I think you guys for the patience, soon we're going to have so many Ville pictures it's going to take me forever to get it done. I do thank you again for coming back and looking at the site and so does Becca.
in HIM,


November 11, 2011

Check this out. It looks like our Villo has made the hottest male list. :)
Click here to see interview
thanks Carrie Lewis of FuneralofHearts.com for bringing this to my attention<
Exclusive Interview: Him�s Ville Valo on Being Voted the Hottest Dude in Hard Rock and Metal - Revo www.revolvermag.com The world's loudest rock magazine!
Keep rockin and I'm going to keep workin!
in HIM,
